Designer Checks Stinks
You all know that I use credit cards and have a debit card as well. So not all of my financial transactions are using instruments that were very popular in the 80’s. But I’m not going to give certain companies my bank account information for electronic payments — I simply don’t trust them…
Avoiding credit card traps
A few pieces of pizza go a long way.

Since we were feeling pretty lazy after running our errands, we decided to pick up a Costco pizza for lunch/dinner…
How to find free pictures and images you can use on your blog or website

When it comes to blogging, having an image versus not having an image to go with your blog post can make a huge difference from a reader’s standpoint.
People don’t read entire blog posts, but more often than not skim the posts for key points and information. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words…
Best Money Tips: Secrets to Successful Haggling
Welcome to Wise Bread’s Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on secrets to successful haggling, tax breaks every mom needs to know about, and making money spring cleaning.
Top 5 Articles
Secrets to Successful Haggling — Be sure to haggle when purchasing something at a yard sale, thrift store, or from the classifieds…
PC Financial Online Banking: Why I Chose President’s Choice Financial

9 Last-Minute Tax Tips

Can You Retire Comfortably On $31,722 per year?

Sorry to interrupt, but if you are reading this on Google Reader, you will need to figure out a different way to follow us. Google is getting rid of Google Reader soon and you should switch to other RSS readers such as Feedly instead.
Subscribe to have every article delivered to your inbox and you won’t have to worry about the RSS problems…
How to Plan for the Inevitable and Stay Out of Debt

Are you ready for some tough love?
You are the cause of all your debt problems. You are solely responsible.
For some, this is a bitter pill to swallow. It doesn’t feel good. Facing this truth can be uncomfortable, but until you see the cause of your financial problems looking back at you in the mirror, you may never get out of your vicious cycle of debt…
Bye Bye American Refinance Pie

Remember that awesome refinancing idea I had back in January? (Well, awesome to me but dumb to a portion of you? ;)) Whelp, I’ve finally decided to shoot it down myself for the time being. Oddly enough it was a lot harder to fine someone to loan us $65,000 than I initially thought 😉 Haha… But I still very much love the idea!
(For those who missed it – my plan was to take out a loan from a friend/biz person and pay THEM the 5% interest on it instead of my mortgage company, so that way we can refinance and lock in a lower rate going forward (which we can’t do at the moment cuz we’re too underwater)…
Dealing with Money Stress
Avoid These 8 Tax Mistakes
April 15th is just around the corner and in the U.S. that means tax filing deadline. If you haven’t already filed (and I’m guessing most of my readers have), you are rapidly running out of time to get those taxes prepared and filed with the IRS.
Unfortunately, good tax planning doesn’t happen when you are ready to file your taxes, it happens in the 12 months before tax time…
How to Manage Different Investment Risk Tolerances Between Spouses

Understand each partner’s money history and experience…