Cheap Health Insurance Options For The Unemployed, Self-Employed, Or Early Retiree
Restless in Warnemunde, 2012.
Whether you are unemployed by choice or due to unfortunate circumstance, having health insurance is a must. According to The American Journal Of Medicine, 62% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were health related and that’s before the economic meltdown. What’s more frightening is that back in 2001, health related bankruptcies were “only” 45% of total…
Whether you are unemployed by choice or due to unfortunate circumstance, having health insurance is a must. According to The American Journal Of Medicine, 62% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were health related and that’s before the economic meltdown. What’s more frightening is that back in 2001, health related bankruptcies were “only” 45% of total…
Learning About Investing With the Stock Market Game

Books Make Me Feel Warm and Cozy

The other day my best friend/biz partner/work husband (as my wife calls him ;)) asked me if I thought he’d do a better job at his company if he were more of a consumer like the rest of the people in the world. It was an interesting question, and perfectly inline with the smarts this guy has, but I told him that even if he *wanted* to be more like everyone else he couldn’t…

Sometimes, the best way to earn a free flight with a reward credit card is to avoid frequent flier miles altogether. Cards that offer cash back and other benefits are often more valuable than frequent flier miles, as these rewards can be used for any flight at any time…
FMF March Money Madness, Round 1, Posts 49-52
Here we go with the first round of Free Money Finance March Money Madness (to follow all the action click on my March Money Madness category link and scroll down to read all the posts involved in this subject.) Today’s games are brought to you by the Citi® Hilton HHonors™ Reserve Card, which offers two weekend night certificates, each good for one weekend night (standard room, double occupancy) at select hotels and resorts within the Hilton HHonors portfolio, after $2,500 in eligible purchases within the first four months of cardmembership…
Friday Links
This week The Globe and Mail shared a video from Rob Carrick that answers the question Are Your Debts Making You Sick?If you’re looking for financial incentives in your province, you’ll want to read this post by Million Dollar Journey that explores Energy Efficiency Programs/Financial Incentives – Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador…
Are You Buying When Investors Are Getting Greedy?

20 Free Ways To Spend Time With Your Family
– free money wisdom

1. Play a board game.
Whether it’s Scrabble or an old school game of Monopoly, board games are great for spending time as a family because they encourage healthy competition and teamwork…
Ask the Readers: What is the next step?
J.D. wrote about the three stages of personal finance often. His definitions were: The first stage of personal finance involves learning the basics: understanding compound interest, reducing debt, beginning to save. The second stage is putting the basics into practice: choosing to live frugally, saving in earnest, and pursuing financial goals…
PTM 027 – How to Start an Excel Consulting Business with Jen Portland of

Jen convinced her employer to let her go part-time in 2012 so that she could focus more time on Excel Rain Man…
How to Make the Most of Your Home Insurance Claim

After you’ve lived through a storm, accident, or natural disaster that damages your home, the stress and emotion are hardly over for you: you still have to file a claim with your homeowners insurance.
This is the point where many policyholders will reluctantly take a lower payment than they deserve, just because it’s easier to cut their losses and move on than it is to fight with insurance after all of their other stresses…
Picking the Right Spot for a Home
When Sarah and I first moved into the home that we currently live in, it made sense in a number of ways for us.
Our jobs were in two different towns about forty minutes apart, so it seemed to make sense to live in a place that was halfway between the two so that neither one of us had a long commute…
Our jobs were in two different towns about forty minutes apart, so it seemed to make sense to live in a place that was halfway between the two so that neither one of us had a long commute…
Miserable March

For those of us that get paid every two weeks, we face a battle of epic proportions. Managing a budget is no easy task, especially when all months AREN’T created equal. Ten months a year we might bring home $4,000, but two months of the year we bring home $6,000. Why must such cruel things exist!?
Although an extra paycheck is definitely a good problem to have, there is no denying it adds a little hiccup to the budgeting process…
How One ReadyForZero User Paid Off $37,000 in Under a Year

After I moved out on my own at the age of 18, I couldn’t really cook, so I ate out a lot.
I wasn’t sure how to dress myself, so I bought a lot of clothes. I wasn’t sure how to pick out a car so I bought the one I dreamed about…
Apple, Google and Microsoft Hoarding More Cash Offshore

Friday Giveaway Roundup – 16 Giveaways

Welcome to the weekly Friday giveaway post!
First I would like to point out a giveaway that we are co-hosting, a Canon Rebel T4i DSLR Camera. That giveaway runs until the end of March, so there is still plenty of time to enter. We will also be co-hosting a $500 cash giveaway that starts on Monday…
How to Prevent Mass Shootings & Gun Violence in America – Statistics
Another dark day in America, one of 62 similar days in the last 30 years according to statistics compiled by Mother Jones. Despite the shootings having occurred in a state with some of the more restrictive gun laws in America, the acts of a single deranged white male has again brought the nation to its knees […
10 Ways to Make Money in Your Spare Time

1. Find some micro-jobs.
There are dozens of online work sites that offer micro-jobs…