Extended Warranties: 4 Questions to Ask
– moneytalksnews.com

The Perks and Quirks of Having a Home-Based Business
– financialhighway.com/
If there weren’t perks to having a home business, so many people wouldn’t be striving to start one for themselves…
How Unexpected Debt Helped Me Navigate a Way to Success
– debtmovement.com/blog/

As a result, I’ve followed a very financially conservative lifestyle, committed to living within my means and not incurring any unnecessary debts.
However, the past few years have made it more challenging to maintain this status quo…
Oops, I may have broken my nest egg
– getrichslowly.org/blog
Side Hustle Series: I Flip Classic Video Games
– budgetsaresexy.com/

(Guest Post by Nick as part of our Side Hustle Series.)
One description of my age is that I belong to “Generation Y”, but I like to look at it in a different way. The way I define my generation is “The Video Game Generation”. I was born in 1985, the same year the first “main stream” video game console, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), launched in North America…
Reader Profile: KK
– freemoneyfinance.com
CLUE Report, Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange
– genxfinance.com/

But what is a CLUE report?
Most people are clueless about there CLUE report, hehe see what I did there.
CLUE stands for Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange, and this report gives details dating back seven years history of claims with your insurance company…

Join our Tweetchat this Thursday at 12:00 p.m. Pacific/ 3p.m. Eastern for lively conversation and a chance to win a $200 gift card or one of two $50 gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate.
This week’s topic: All Things Retirement! Learn about retirement saving strategies, starting a second career in retirement, and juggling saving for retirement with other savings goals…
Anne and Matt February 2013 Net Worth
– consumerismcommentary.com/

Online or Traditional School, Which One Will You Choose?
– onecentatatime.com

Nowadays, the options to get a degree are growing. Online degrees are becoming more and more popular among students with increasingly busy lives…
10 Ways to Have Fun on a Budget
– free money wisdom

The Charitable Donations Tax Credit Explained
– canadianfinanceblog.com

Chase Hyatt Visa vs. Starwood Preferred Guest Card from American Express
– moneysmartlife.com

How to avoid Burnout and Frustration when Volunteering
– youngadultmoney.com/

Today I wanted to talk about an important topic: volunteering. Volunteering can come in many forms: time, treasure, and talents. You can volunteer your time at a local homeless shelter, going door-to-door for a local political candidate, or mentoring students. You can donate your treasure through one-time or ongoing monetary donations to a nonprofit…
How Worldwide Economies Affect My Personal Finances
– moneyinfant.com
Here I am…an American citizen living in Thailand…
How to Find Business Ideas that Work – Focus on Scale
– ptmoney.com

Calendar of Environmental Events Around the World
– prairieEcothrifter.com

Arbor Day celebrations – It’s been over 135 years since J…
How to Prepare Your Home for Visitors
– moneyning.com/

Having visitors in your home is both exciting and stressful. It’s great to see your family or friends, but it’s stressful making sure everything is ready for them. My parents are coming to visit my wife and me soon, and we feel like we’ve prepared pretty well. Here are the areas we focused on…
Living With Superbugs, Viruses & Bacteria – How to Prevent Disease
– moneycrashers.com
Energy Efficiency Programs/Financial Incentives – British Columbia
– milliondollarjourney.com
BC Hydro Programs
Fridge Buy Back Program
BC Hydro offers the Fridge Buy Back Program to encourage residential customers to turn in their inefficient second fridges (the fridge needs to be between 10-24 cubic feet and in an operating condition) and get a $30 rebate, while helping to recycle and protect the environment…
Choosing the Best HSA Account Administrator (& Yes, you CAN Choose)
– 20somethingfinance.com/

Tax-free (pre-tax) contributions and withdrawals for qualified medical expenses, employer contributions, and growth through investments for the win!
Unlike FSA’s, HSA account contributions roll over from year-to-year, and they are portable, meaning you can take them with you from one employer to another or to self-employment…
Dressed for Success
– thesimepledollar.com
At my new job, everyone dresses incredibly well. Everyone is wearing expensive – or at least expensive-looking – suits and other businesswear. My wardrobe is simply not up to snuff. Catching my wardrobe up to the level of everyone else is going to be really expensive…