Analyze More Real Estate Deals with the Help of this Easy Technique

I’m going to make a not-so-bold assumption. Ready?! Here it goes:
You’re a very busy person.
I make this assumption because the nature of our business requires us to constantly be on our toes, continuously change direction, and know the intimate details of our projects and deals. Don’t worry, I’m not lamenting over this…
Petition: Want Marriage Equality? Paint Capitol Building Rainbow

Pictured above is what the dome of the U.S. Capitol might look like if painted in the rainbow colors of the gay pride flag. Would you love to see that in real life? So would one real estate firm, which has filed a White House petition to do just that.
Online listings site Estately…
Memphis Business Journal Names Finalist For 'Business Of The Year'
Memphis Invest Nominated for Small Business Award
Memphis Invest, GP was very honored this week to be formally nominated for the Memphis Business Journal Small Business Awards for the second year in a row! 2012 was an incredible year of growth for our company not only in terms of volume and properties, but most importantly in processes and people…
Memphis Invest, GP was very honored this week to be formally nominated for the Memphis Business Journal Small Business Awards for the second year in a row! 2012 was an incredible year of growth for our company not only in terms of volume and properties, but most importantly in processes and people…
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