A sacrifice can be a blessing in disguise + MORE

Have a Small Business?  Here Are a Few Tips to Save MoneyI am a true entrepreneur at heart.  I have been running businesses since I was little.  It is just something that comes to me.  My most successful business was as an electronics retailer.  I had an e-commerce company that I built from the ground up and loved it.  It was tough work, but it was rewarding…

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Share your profile with us!

– mycoinblog.com

We’d love to know a little about everyone collecting out there.  If you’re interested in sharing like I did below, send your answers to the following questions to profiles@mycoinblog.com.

How would you define yourself in two sentences?
How long have you been collecting coins?
What do you like about collecting coins?
What are your favorite coins to collect?
If money was not an issue, what is the one coin you would add to your collection?
Would you rather be 4’5″ or 7’7″?
What is your most recent coin purchased?


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We Signed Our Death Pledge

– moneylifeandmore.com

We Signed Our Death PledgeThat sounds horrible… doesn’t it? Don’t worry though. It isn’t as bad as it sounds! We only signed a mortgage!
In the last few weeks I read that mortgage, if broken down into parts, actually means death pledge. Supposedly the term mortgage comes from the old french word mort, which means dead, and gage, which mean pledge…

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Use Visualization To Improve Your Financial FutureI enjoy watching the Duggars.  I marvel at how they manage to raise 19 kids, homeschool them, and stay debt free.
Three years ago, Michelle Duggar gave birth to a premature baby, Josie, delivered at just 25 weeks.  At birth, she weighed just 1 lb. 6 oz., and her chances of survival were about 80%.  She spent her first 6 months in the hospital, and though it must have been a very emotional and trying time for Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, they remained upbeat…

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I Actually Suck (and My Blogging Tips): A ConfessionalI Actually Suck (and My Blogging Tips): A Confessional
Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living. 
Hey…..psssttt…..you over there.  I have a confession to make.  I want you to know that I’m barely computer literate.  Shhhh…..What’s worse? I only pretend to know what people are doing on Twitter, and I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing on Google +…

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How to Get Rich Quickly

– frugalrules.com

Happy Monday, April 1st everyone!
As you’re reading a personal finance blog I can assume that you’re interested in money. Today only, just for you my loyal readers, I am going to answer the $1 million question – how to get rich quickly! Better yet, I am going to offer you this prized information absolutely free…

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Don’t Be a Fool with Finances

– Financialblacksheep.com

April fools day is a day to play harmless jokes on friends and co-workers, but don’t just sit there thinking you are funny when you are really a fool with finances.  Don’t make some of the same mistakes my family … Continue reading →The post Don’t Be a Fool with Finances appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…

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14 Ways to Lower Your Gas and Electric Bill Photo: danxoneil
Looking for ways to lower your gas and/or electric bill? These days, who isn’t? We’ve covered many ways to save energy in an earlier post, but I want to highlight some other great ways to save. These simple, creative or long-term solutions can help you cut your energy bills.
Before you start implementing these energy-saving options, take the Home Energy  Saver audit for your home…

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Unethical Doctors: What Can You Do?

– eyesonthedollar.com

Unethical Doctors: What Can You Do?This doctor is like the wolf in sheep’s clothing
Having been my own boss for the past 13 years, I’ve gotten to make the rules. I have never tried to use fraudulent practices or take advantage of anyone. I even have moral dilemmas about selling products that I know are useful and help people with their daily lives…

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When you are involved in an accident that causes any injuries to the opposite party, you have to be responsible for the lost wages and expensive medical bills. This situation can be challenging for most people in today’s economy. When you are in this situation, you need to find the best personal injury lawyers who …

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Pre-owned Engagement Rings-Frugal or Tacky?

– studentdebtsurvivor.com

Pre-owned Engagement Rings-Frugal or Tacky?Bf and I have been dating for 4 years. Recently we’ve been talking about getting engaged. Yes, I’ve even included this in my goals for 2013. So when I came across an article in the March issue of Entrepreneur magazine about a company called, “I Do Now I Don’t“. I was intrigued…

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Cable TV Is Cheap Entertainment

– www.enemyofdebt.com/

Cable TV Is Cheap EntertainmentImage courtesy of Pixomar / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Our cable company has been advertising new packages and lower prices, so this weekend Vonnie and I stopped into the nearby office to investigate our options, and see if we could lower our bill. Thirty minutes later we walked out the door having been upgraded to their new gold package that includes 4 DVRs, almost every channel they have, and a broadband speed double what we had previously…

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Weekly Round-Up: A Great Way to Start Spring

– theamateurfinancier.com/blog/

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling refreshed and rejuvenated with the start of Spring, even though it took a while for it to feel like spring. I’m visiting my family, spending time with aunts, uncles, and cousins whom I haven’t seen for many months (years, in some cases)…

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Viraliti: Advertising Comes to PinterestI suppose it was only a matter of time. Some people are already making good money with Sponsored Tweets. But what about the fastest growing social media platform out there, Pinterest? Now, Viraliti is bringing advertising to Pinterest.
Viraliti is a CPC banner advertising platform for Pinterest. Actually, it is designed for Twitter and Tumblr as well…

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Winning the lottery vs. Good old fashioned hard workI remember my parents playing the Powerball when I was younger. They wouldn’t buy tickets on a regular basis, only when the jackpot was like $75 billion. The ones that make the news. The ones that would drive millions of people to their local 7-eleven to try to get their hands on their Golden ticket, their opportunity to leave Middle classdom and take their rightful seat with the elite class…

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Dave Ramsey’s Baby Step 1: Put $1,000 in an Emergency Fund 
I know I previously gave a brief overview of all 7 steps here, but I wanted to go into a bit more depth on each of the topics.  I’ll try to cover all 7 over the next month or so (just so I don’t bore you).
I am a loyal listener of the Dave Ramsey show (you can listen to it on I Heart Radio), so I get a daily fix of Dave Ramsey…

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Aflac (AFL) Dividend Stock AnalysisAflac (AFL) is an insurance company that sells voluntary supplementary insurance policies in the US and Japan.  Sales in Japan account for approximately 77% of Aflac’s revenue, with the US pulling in the other 23%.  In Japan, Aflac mainly sells a variety of health insurance (these cover areas not included in the national health insurance), life insurance, and annuity products…

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How I’m Writing a Book in One Month

– weonlydothisonce.com

How I’m Writing a Book in One MonthHave you ever wanted to write a book?
I have.  For a long time.
For many years I’ve had the dream of becoming a published author.  I’ve also had several ideas about the book I wanted to write; some good and some not so much.
But it finally hit me:  The best idea for a book ever!  Well, at least for me…

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Residential Burglary Prevention – How To Secure Your HomeRecently there has been a lot of residential burglary’s taking place in and around our neighbourhood. In our end of the street there have been at least 2 break ins and another 2 attempted break ins. I’m not going to lie, it is a bit scary, especially considering all incidents have taken place between the hours of 10:30 pm and 4 am – when most people are sleeping…

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A sacrifice can be a blessing in disguise
Good morning Dinks. Well it’s officially over, my 40 day personal sacrifice of giving up my morning coffee shop snacks and drinks is officially over – you know what? I don’t miss it.  Actually I guess what I should say is that I was not as excited to have the option to eat breakfast at my local coffee shop as I thought I would be…

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$7,862 in March Extra Income and Goals

– makingsenseofcents.com

$7,862 in March Extra Income and GoalsHappy Monday and happy April everyone! March was another awesome month. I made a lot of extra income with all of my side hustles, and mainly life has just been going great. We bought our new car and decided that we also don’t want to sell our house anytime this year. We are pretty positive that we are going to wait to do this…

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