A Review: “I Dreamed I Was Human” by Carolyn Gervais
– theselfimprovementblog.com/

Don’t Waste Another Day! Get Motivated With 8 Ways To Put A Rocket Under Your Butt And Get 2013 Back On Track!
– dumblittleman.com

You have two choices when you look at today's calendar.
You can think "It's July. I can't believe 2013 is half over! What happened to all my goals?"
Or, you can think "It's July. That means I still have half a year to demolish all my goals!"
Can we agree that the second choice is the way to go? Then let's also agree we won't spend a single moment on "coulda woulda shoulda…
Viewfinder Organizes Your iPhone Photos and Makes Sharing Easy
– lifehacker.com
Sweep in front of Your Own Door
– onewithnow.com

Imagine if each one of us did just that. We swept in front of our doors and let others do the same—no shoulds, ifs, or buts.
How would our world look like?
It would be heaven on earth—a clean and beautiful blue planet where everyone takes care of his or her responsibilities…
“Ride Mule Chase Horse”: Downshifting Your Career the Hard Way
– thechangeblog.com

By Holman Wang
In Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, the young revolutionary Laigle abandons his legal career and declares, “I renounce the triumphs of the bar.” A few months ago, so did I. After seven years of practicing law, I resigned from my boutique firm, spurred by the usual sorts of misgivings about the white-collar world: the emotional emptiness of the work, the dubious clamour for money, and the never-ending stress…
Kindle Publishing: Writing Tools
– successbeginstoday.org/wordpress

Warning: The #1 Secret to Success in Life Which You Ignore at Your Peril!
– arvinddevalia.com/blog/

Do you ever wonder why some people are more successful than others?
Maybe you are even frustrated seeing how some people are doing so much better than you?
And have you wondered what it would be like to discover the #1 secret to success in life? What differentiates you from Steve Jobs or Richard Branson?
Well, in the next few minutes reading this blog post may just change your perspective on life forever…
Why Progress IS Perfection
– pickthebrain.com

Why do some people feel happy with so much less than others who appear to marinate in misery with monetary over flowing abundance? Could it be in the way success is measured? Could it be the easiest way to achieve peace in this life exists in progress vs perfection?
Consider the first man on the moon got to his destination by being in a rocket which was on track perfectly approximately only two percent of the time…