Guidelines for Students Who Want to Avoid Future Student Debt Disasters

An excellent college education is something that many people cannot afford without financial aid…
Take Your Small Business to the Big City
As the economy slowly emerges from a recession, small business owners are rethinking their strategies and are looking for new ways to increase their customer base and make more money. Relocating or expanding your business to a large city and growing business epicenter such as Dallas is the best way to increase your company’s profits…
Prenupt: Smart or Selfish?

Good morning Dinks. Ahhhhh this is always the big pink elephant in the room for newly engaged couples. Actually that’s not really true, whether you are newly engaged; newlyweds or a veteran married couple it seems like everyone has an opinion on the subject of prenuptial agreements.
This topic is on my mind today because last night I watched a rerun of a Seinfeld episode when George is trying to get out of his engagement to Susan…
Everyday I’m Hustlin’
In debt? Want more money? So bored that you have counted each tile in your house…twice? You need a side hustle! And I’ve got a great one for you, freelance writing! That’s right, you too can join the super exclusive group of freelancers who get paid to do the easiest thing in the world — write!
I started freelancing at the end of last year when I decided to take my dorky love of personal finance to the next level by writing about it…
I started freelancing at the end of last year when I decided to take my dorky love of personal finance to the next level by writing about it…
Book Review – The Money Saving Mom’s Budget
There are many disagreements in the world of personal finance, from how to eliminate your debt to the order of goals to prioritize in your financial progress. (Let’s not even get started on the fights about which investments to make.) Even with so much argument, one of the first goals nearly everyone can agree on is the importance of creating and following a budget in order to get your finances under control…
7 Reasons Everyone Should Reach Financial Indenepdnece

When is it Okay to Spend Money?
Full disclosure: I’m a rebel without a cause. I like to live dangerously. Yes, when I bought a car and was given only one key,The post When is it Okay to Spend Money? appeared first on .
My $508 Garage Sale: An In-Depth Analysis

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Earlier this week, I wrote about how I made $883 in cash money this weekend. As I mentioned in that post, $275 was scored solely from signing up for some bangin’ Chase banking deals. Basically, they gave me some free money just for signing up…
A Beginners Guide to Investing

Most people invest for one main reason: to make money. The money sitting in your savings account and your checking account isn’t earning you anything, so the thought of earning money from your money is exciting, and that’s where investing comes in.
Investing involves risk, and for some, that adds excitement to the process…
How to Set a Wedding Budget – Part 1

In fact, it’s probably barely mentioned at all by most people…
Fixed Rate vs. Adjustable Rate Mortgages: Pros and Cons
While there are many types of mortgages, the biggest division is fixed rate versus adjustable. Although fixed rate mortgages are the most common in the United States, adjustable rate mortgages are the norm in many European countries and Australia.
But just because one or the other is the norm doesn’t mean that it’s best for your homebuying needs…
But just because one or the other is the norm doesn’t mean that it’s best for your homebuying needs…
Review: Can You Payoff Your Student Loan Debt Faster Using SmarterBucks?
The average college graduate will exit their academic career with over $28,000 of student loan debt according to the Huffington Post, compared with median income of around $46,000. That’s a huge burden to have on your shoulders as you begin your professional life. College graduates are best served by making those hard earned dollars working for retirement instead of paying off their education as soon as possible, so they can use all the help they can get…
Photo Thursday: Canoeing down the St. Croix River

This week the pictures are from a family canoe trip down the St…
My Mom Bought a New Car
My Mom Bought a New Car The blog post about my mom wanting a new car because mine scared her, barely went live as my mom was quick to sign the papers and bring home another car. Technically it was a few … Continue reading →The post My Mom Bought a New Car appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…
Frugal, My Ass: Are You Guilty of These Money Draining Behaviors?
After you read today’s post, please head on over to the Tour de Personal Finance at My Personal Finance Journey and vote for “Time”. I am in the Final Four, so every vote is appreciated! Now on to Jen’s post…
In last week’s post, I shed light on some tips and tricks for how to manage your finances when you’re forced to be frugal…
In last week’s post, I shed light on some tips and tricks for how to manage your finances when you’re forced to be frugal…