Why you need to start investing when you’re young
– retireby40.org/

Pump Up Your Portfolio With Other People’s Money
– libertyinvestor.com
So are you bullish on the market, or are you looking for the bears to come back out of the woods to take a swipe at recent gains so far this year?
But why make that call? Instead, there are investments that you can easily buy that don’t rely on being a bull or a bear and betting your retirement that you’re going to be right…
But why make that call? Instead, there are investments that you can easily buy that don’t rely on being a bull or a bear and betting your retirement that you’re going to be right…
Top 10 Books for the Unemployed
– moneysmartlife.com

If you are looking for inspiration, or just looking for helpful hints, here are 10 books that you can read while you are unemployed to help you boost your efforts to improve your life – and maybe even find another job!
Read through these books as quickly as possible to boost your chances of coming up with new employment ideas before you get in a financial pinch…
Employer Bankrupt? Try the Wage Earner Protection Program!
– milliondollarjourney.com
Dealing with a job loss is never easy. The financially-adept deal with the change fairly well as they may be safe with an emergency fund to take them through for a few months or more. Others who prefer to live like the grasshopper rather than the ant add disconcerting questions such as “how do I put food on the table?”, “how am I going to make my mortgage payment?” or variations still involving the pressing need to find money…
How Embracing A New Culture Saved Me Money
– youngadultmoney.com/

As you can imagine, jumping into a Caribbean culture can be a bit of a shock…
Thoughts From a Wealthy Neighborhood
– budgetsaresexy.com/

So it’s been over a week and a half now chillin’ at the mother-in-law’s, and so far everything’s going superbly. Every day we hang out together, drink coffee together, and even have dinner at a normal time of night together – 6pm. Down 5 hours from our normal late-night feeding we were trying to break 😉 I’m actually feeling like a responsible adult these days! (And to answer my own question from earlier – no, we do not have any curfews, haha…)
I’m also LOVING the feeling of vagabonding over here…
Best Deals for Wednesday 06/12
– wisebread.com

Link for teaser title:
Victoria’s Secret cuts up to 50% off clearance apparel, American Eagle Outfitters cuts an extra 50% off clearance items, Virgin America 1-way fares from $79, and more!
Red Light Cameras: Public Safety or Government Revenue?
– moneytalksnews.com

Which Rich Witch Is Which, Password Fail And Money Quickies June 12,13
– solvingthemoneypuzzle.com/

Password Fail
Does anyone else have their passwords written down and hidden somewhere other than their underwear drawer (because that is the first place thieves look)?
Now that you have to include special characters and a capital and be more than 6 characters I can’t remember any of them. I press the button that says to remember me on this computer but sometimes the computer forgets and I have to hunt for the paper…
Is the Roth right for you?
– getrichslowly.org/blog
This is a post from staff writer Robert Brokamp of The Motley Fool. Robert is a Certified Financial Planner and the adviser for The Motley Fool’s Rule Your Retirement service. This year, it happened — something many have been predicting for years: Taxes went up. And most likely, the hikes will just keep coming…
How to Close an E*TRADE Investing Account
– consumerismcommentary.com/

Gallup Ranks States By Worker Enthusiasm: Louisiana Leads In Engagement, Minnesota Last
– libertyinvestor.com
Business owners assessing overhead and productivity keep a close eye on the involvement and enthusiasm of their employees as they perform their tasks. According to the results of a new poll, where you are in the country may be affecting employee productivity.
The poll, released by Gallup, provides a State-by-State look at which workers throughout the Nation are most and least actively involved and enthusiastic about the work they do…
The poll, released by Gallup, provides a State-by-State look at which workers throughout the Nation are most and least actively involved and enthusiastic about the work they do…
How to Beat the Office Bulge
– prairieEcothrifter.com

We don’t want to leave anybody out, though, so we bring something in for our own birthdays. This way, nobody forgets…
Cheap Meals: What are Your Favorite Cheap Breakfast Recipes?
– 20somethingfinance.com/

All good things, but even with all of this enhanced knowledge, there’s still one big thing missing: piecing it all together, and producing a delicious and healthy, yet cheap meal that inspires you to further embrace this lifestyle shift…
51 Frugal, Fun Weekend Ideas and Activities for Family
– onecentatatime.com

The Simple Dollar Weekly Roundup: Childhood Edition
– thesimepledollar.com
Every day, I look at my young children and realise that they will never be this young again.
That single fact is often more than enough motivation for me to put down whatever I’m doing and go spend time with them.
Before I know it, they won’t want to spend an hour playing with their dad any more and it’s at that point that I’ll really miss those lost opportunities…
That single fact is often more than enough motivation for me to put down whatever I’m doing and go spend time with them.
Before I know it, they won’t want to spend an hour playing with their dad any more and it’s at that point that I’ll really miss those lost opportunities…
Is Spotify Premium Worth the Cost?
– moneyning.com/

Music is a universal language, and I enjoy listening to almost any genre. Whether it’s on my iPod, my phone, or my computer, I always have music on hand.
In the past, I used iTunes to find the best new music available. With new songs frequently costing $1.29 each, however, I had to find a better way…
The Biggest Myth About Capitalism And Investing
– libertyinvestor.com

You see, instead of just debunking one widely held (but false) belief, we’re shining the light of truth on three popular misconceptions — in rapid-fire fashion, no less.
It’s time to cue up The Gap Band’s chart-topping electro-funk hit, “You Dropped a Bomb on Me…