The Search for the Perfect Curls
This post was inspired by Bridget’s “Frugal Beauty: Apple Cider for Shiny Hair.” I really love her posts on frugal beauty. I really wish my hair was long and straight like Bridget’s, so I could follow some of her tips. But it’s not. I have really curly, brunette hair. Did I mention I have a lot of hair? It’s not the thin, curly brunette hair…
Blog Update: April 2013
I can’t believe I’ve survived four months of blogging. So let’s take a look back at the month of April and see how things fared for the blog. As usual, I’ll try to make this blog update post short, so that I can focus my time on writing actual content.
April in Brief
It’s been a steady month…
What is FICO Score and How it Connects with Debt
When you go to purchase a car or a house, you will be asked for information to determine what your credit score is. That credit score is your FICO score. FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation, which is the company, that analysis your credit report. It is that analysis that gives you your score. There …
The Weekly Debt Roundup Digest – 5/5/2013