6 steps for creating a scalable, repeatable blogger outreach process [Infographic] + MORE

6 steps for creating a scalable, repeatable blogger outreach process [Infographic]The research is done, the content has been created, and a finished product is ready to live its life online. All outreach hopes to maximise effectiveness through engagement. No matter how visually stimulating the infographic, nor how many great witty quips you've included in the content- it will not attract traffic, links and shares if you don't prepare for scalable outreach to a targeted audience…

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Cheap Parlor Tricks for Competitive Analysis by SERP WeightingPosted by ChaseSEO
What can an SEO see in a search results page that other's wont?

I've found that, more and more, my time spent analyzing a competitive search results page can be both incredibly revealing and valuable. In most cases I'm looking at a SERP either to research what level of effort might be required to either increase or establish rankings on the results for one of our clients…

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Posted by randfish
Personalization usage data and user data give marketers deep insights into their users' interests and actions. But how can you make the most out of these complex data sets to better serve your SEO campaigns?

In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand takes us through the intricate world of personalization and how it affects SEO…

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Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web. From Search Engine Land: Microsoft Shows Off Coming Improvements To Bing App’s Voice Search Microsoft has shared video of what was a confidential, employee-only demonstration of new….

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