Not everyone appreciates the huge benefits of using credit cards. Many still wonder why to use a credit card when you can easily pay for stuff you buy using cash or a debit card. No need to worry about a high interest or failing to make the minimum monthly payments. So, why credit cards over other payment options? If reading lengthy posts makes no sense to you, you can still learn from personal finance experts on Twitter. A single tweet is 280 characters long in 2019.

Here are the 6 best Twitter accounts to follow for Credit Card tips
1) Daniel Gamez-@GamezLawFirm
Daniel Gamez is a debt-relief lawyer in San Diego & LA. Once you follow Daniel’s Twitter account, you will never again wonder whether to use cash or credit cards for your shopping. Moreover, his firm was voted best in San Diego by The San Diego Union-Tribune reader’s poll for the second year in a row. So, you are getting free advice from a genuine finance professional.
2) John Ulzheimer-@johnulzheimer

If you are a regular reader of personal finance material online, you must surely have come across some of John Ulzheimer’s stuff. He is an FCRA Certified credit expert, also, FICO and EFX alumni. He is based in Atlanta, Georgia. By following John’s account, you can become aware of the complexity of the credit card business. The more you know about credit cards, the better will be your financial decisions.
3) Michael-@FinanciallyALRT
Michael is a personal finance expert based in San Diego, CA. The unique thing about him is, he retired at the age of 36. On his account, Michael tweets about attaining FIRE (financial independence/retire early). Moreover, he also shares some good material on smart use of credit cards while saving and investing for early retirement.
4) iFixCredit -@harveybookr
Harvey Booker is a personal finance expert based in New Orleans, LA. He operates a finance company known as HB Wealth Consulting LLC in LA. Harvey is an expert in fixing credit. So, for a free consultation, just shoot him a direct message on Twitter. He calls himself a “Credit Card Connoisseur”.
5) Ariana Arghandewal– @PointChaser

Interested in tips related to credit card usage while on the road? Ariana is a travel hacker who travels the world for free. On her Twitter account, she shares posts from her personal blog PointsChaser. Moreover, she also frequently asks for referrals link to several credit cards. Her page is an active community of travel credit card users.
6) CreditKarma-@CreditKarma
CreditKarma is an American multinational personal finance company based in California. Among personal finance readers, they are popular for their blog and free financial service like Free Credit Score & Free Credit Reports. The entire blog is related to credit card tips. So, follow their Twitter page to stay updated.
A Credit Card is a lot more than just a short term loan. There are plenty of security benefits that a debit card does not provide. What if someone hacked into your computer and steal your debit card information? You will be left with no choice but to accept the loss. To learn more about the correct way to use a credit card, follow experts who have tried and tested several strategies before anyone else.