Is your business quilty of saying something like this? ”We don’t have a business blog because we’re not writers”. There is a fear out there when it come to business blogging so it is often overlooked as a marketing channel…» read more
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Get Nostalgic
When the new Daft Punk record came out recently, I was tickled by its seventies-inspired beats and catchy hooks. My delight was tempered, however, when a segment of a popular morning show declared one of the tunes, “Get Lucky,” to be the official song of the summer…
Setting Up a Home Office on a Tight Budget
Personal finance expert and author Linsey Knerl tells about the best ways for home-based businesses to save money while building a fully functional home office.
How Do I Start Over After Bankruptcy?
Are you just out of bankruptcy and looking to start up a new business?
Just because you’ve had past troubles doesn’t mean you are unable to start a business if you know what lies ahead.
Here are some things to know when you go to setup a company after you’ve declared bankruptcy.
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Just because you’ve had past troubles doesn’t mean you are unable to start a business if you know what lies ahead.
Here are some things to know when you go to setup a company after you’ve declared bankruptcy.
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5 Ways to Create a Winning Email Marketing Campaign
If you’re putting on an event there is a multitude of ways to market and promote it effectively. One great way to market an event is through email marketing. Although it’s a simple task from a technical perspective, thanks to the plethora of email marketing tools now available, if you execute it poorly it’s not going to help you one bit…
Innovative Shelter Company Catches the Army's Eye
VisibleGood’s line of shelters – a mix between tents and trailers – has a wide range of applications.
Disrupt Your Thinking, Transform Your Business
Plenty of entrepreneurs claim that they are “disrupting” their industry. But, Luke Williams, a professor of innovation at NYU Stern School of Business and author of Disrupt (FT Press, 2010), says most companies deal only in incremental changes that support their current business model — and that’s not enough…