Are you feeling low or depressed for no apparent reason? Or maybe you are going through a difficult period in life and are demotivated as a result?
If your answer to any of the above questions is yes, you are in the right place. This post is about tangible action steps to take when you are feeling low or depressed in life. When it comes to changing your current life circumstance; reading blogs, or watching motivational videos is not enough. Surely, learning about positive psychology is better than whining or complaining, but you also need to take the right steps towards recovery. This post is all about that.

Here Are the 4 Steps to Take When You Are Feeling Demotivated in Life
1) Declutter Your Mind
Decluttering is bar far the greatest technique to get one’s life in order. If you are like most people, you will too begin the journey with decluttering your life by getting rid of unneeded and surplus belongings. There is nothing wrong with doing that.
But soon you will realize that the real problem lies in your mind. Begin with journaling every single day. Journaling will help you streamline your thoughts.
2) Reach out to Someone for Help
According to PsychCentral, most people who are depressed think they are the only ones who are feeling this way, but what they don’t know is there are plenty of others who have been in their position before and are well-equipped to guide them to recovery.
A stat by the National Institute of Mental Health says that about 7 percent of adults in the United States who go through depressive episodes at least once in their lifetime.
3) Keep Smartphone Usage to Minimum
Texting is the biggest reason most people slack at their work. Not doing well at work can also make you feel low at times. Apart from this, excess smartphone usage also makes you neglect the things that keep a person healthy and active. Instead of going out for a walk or visiting the gym, most depressed people would prefer to text, binge watch TV shows, or play toxic video games on their phones.
4) Immerse Yourself in Work
You will be surprised to learn that it is entirely possible to recover from depression and melancholy by immersing yourself in your work. Healing your mind through work is also a major part of Occupational Therapy.
As you see in the picture above, during World War II, injured soldiers were asked to indulge in activities like knitting and toy making. This might be silly initially, but occupational therapy does alleviate depression and anxiety.
It can be difficult to come out of depression or the above-mentioned step won’t work at all if your condition is chronic. There are plenty of people in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond who have had this problem since they were in their teens. In such a scenario, it is best to consult a mental health concession.