Twitter Updates iOS App To Integrate Better With Vine & Adds Better Account Switching For Android
Please visit Marketing Land for the full article…
3 Ways to Use Multi-Channel Analytics Reporting for Better Marketing & Business Decisions

10 Solutions To Fix Your Busted Marketing Campaigns

I have no idea what to test, so now I don’t bother
Our visitors are leaving our website without doing anything
We blew through our AdWords budget in a day!
Our market has dried up…
I’ll pause there before early onset MFD (Marketing Fail Disorder) sets in…
4 Reasons Why Every Agency Needs to Offer an Inbound Marketing Assessment

Most agencies get fired because they shouldn’t have paired up with a client in the first place. The relationship went sour because expectations weren’t properly set during the sales and onboarding process…
Small business owners: Do not let this happen to you

I witnessed an independent coffee shop self-destruct recently, just as the owner planned it to. Yes, although the owner said he wanted his coffee shop to succeed, his planning was all about failing…
How to Choose the Right Business Model for Your Start-up
photo credit: guilhembertholet via photopin cc
Lots of people talk about business models these days, but what does it really mean? When it comes to starting or planning for business success your model is essentially your decision about how you intend to add value – which is another way of saying – how you intend to make money…
The Best Marketing Mobile Application! Version 3

First up is the very slick redesign that incorporates a Facebook-like left navigation…
Benchmark 5: Things Kitchen Nightmares Teaches Us About Business
Benchmark Email Customer Support Holiday Hours5 Tips to Lower Your Unsubscribe RatesTips to combine Twitter with your Email
4 Pillars of Lean Web Design

Here is my definition: Lean describes a way of doing something with a verified goal in mind and with a very clear focus. For lean web design, this means a constant focus on the actual user…
Best Productivity Tools for People On The Go

20 Data-Backed Ways to Upgrade Your Social Media Marketing [SlideShare]
![20 Data-Backed Ways to Upgrade Your Social Media Marketing [SlideShare]](
Persuasive Copywriting: 4 Tips for Higher Converting Websites

Open Source Plugin: Magnific Popup, A Truly Responsive Lightbox (For jQuery And Zepto.js)

A lightbox is one of those tools that work great on the desktop but often fail on small mobile devices. These days, finding a plugin that is responsive and that displays content right away is hard. For this reason, I created Magnific Popup, an open-source lightbox plugin focused on performance…
Culpa Marketing: How To Win By Publicizing Screw Ups

The ad is a marked departure from the Apple-style “we’ll tell you what you really want” strategy employed by former CEO (and longtime Apple exec) Ron Johnson (here’s my take on why that didn’t work)…