Energy Efficiency Programs/Financial Incentives – Saskatchewan and Manitoba
This is the final post of the series on energy-efficiency programs and financial incentives. We will conclude the series by looking at offers for Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents.
Saskatchewan: SaskEnergy Programs
Energy Efficient Rebate for New Homes
This program is offered by SaskEnergy on behalf of the Ministry of Environment to SK residents who buy or build an energy efficient home…
Saskatchewan: SaskEnergy Programs
Energy Efficient Rebate for New Homes
This program is offered by SaskEnergy on behalf of the Ministry of Environment to SK residents who buy or build an energy efficient home…

The Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards® Premier Card is actually the first credit card I’ve chosen to sign up for (or have been able to sign up for) in years because of my poor credit…
When I first graduated from college, when people asked me about my future, I would fire off a few vague statements about what I wanted. I wanted a great career! I wanted to have kids! I wanted a nice house!
All of those ideas were nebulous and vague. Sure, they echoed sentiments that I held in my heart, but they weren’t anywhere close to being authentic goals…
All of those ideas were nebulous and vague. Sure, they echoed sentiments that I held in my heart, but they weren’t anywhere close to being authentic goals…
Federal Political Contributions

Charitable Donations vs. Political Contributions
While you receive a tax benefit for making federal political donations, and the percentage is higher, it might not be as large as what you see with charitable donations depending on how much you contribute…
Home Values Jumping At Fastest Rate Since 2006

How to Keep Your Employer from Knowing You’re Looking for a Job
– free money wisdom

First Get Your Finances in Order…Then Chase Your Dreams
It’s funny how there seems to be a natural order of things and a time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3 states: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
I really like that verse. It keeps me feeling accepting of however things turn out. Some times in our lives are really good…
I really like that verse. It keeps me feeling accepting of however things turn out. Some times in our lives are really good…
5 Debt Lessons From Darth Vader

One of the most evil heroes in science fiction history is Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader. He went from being a great man and good friend to betraying everyone he loved and becoming a sinister Sith Lord. Ultimately, the story of Anakin Skywalker is one of redemption…
4 Keys to Dealing with Your Landlord

If you’re a renter, or are planning on renting in the future, you’ll need to deal with a landlord. Though there are many different types of rental situations, there a few ways to deal with landlords that’ll almost always apply.
Be Adamant
When my wife and I moved into our first place together, we settled on a small one-bedroom apartment…
Time-Barred Debts: Statute of Limitations

4 Debt Lessons From The End of the World

(Guest Post by fellow blogger Ben Edwards, whose new book on debt is free today through Amazon!)
Hollywood loves to speculate about how the world as we know it will end. They’ve tried to kill us off with asteroids, aliens, zombies, self-aware computers, natural disasters, and disease. These scenarios definitely make for interesting entertainment, but I’m hoping they’re wrong about all those nasty endings…
How to Get Free Books Online

Here are some ways to access free books with the help of the Internet:
Reader Profile: KR
The following is the latest post in my “Reader Profiles” series. Each post in this series details the financial situation and challenges of an FMF reader. The purpose of this series is to help us all identify with people like us (in similar situations — not all will be, of course, but eventually I’m sure you will find someone like you here), get to know the frequent commenters on the site, and hear some financial wisdom/challenges from people other than me…
Organizing and Leveraging Resources is one of the Keys to Success in Business and Life

Being able to organize and leverage resources may be the single most important skill you can attain; it also may be one of the biggest indicators of whether you will succeed in business and life.
There is an endless number of resources in the world: money, time, physical labor, hardware and software, machinery, individuals with unique skill sets and knowledge, etc…
Build Your Financial Nut: 401k Retirement Contributions Matter Less Over Time
I want to get everybody talking about their retirement portfolios because making the proper net worth allocation, deciding on how often to rebalance, and running different growth scenarios matters more over time. Contributing the maximum $17,500 a year to your 401K should be standard. If you’re making more than $60,000 a year and not maxing out your 401K, then you should probably give yourself a timeout to contemplate why you’re slicing off your toes…
Stalking the stock market.

Managing Money With Roommates – 8 Do’s & Don’ts
Living with others isn’t easy. Several years ago, my friends and I decided to get a house together. We were all incredibly excited and made promises to split everything evenly, from rent, to utilities, to chores. However, it wasn’t long before the problems started. One roommate was constantly late in paying his portion of the […
My Coffee Pot Ate My Money: A Tale of Product Failure and Liability

Fortunately, products we buy can actually make our lives easier…
WTF? I MADE Money on Health Insurance & Health Care Last Year?!

One gigantic glaring absence, as reader, Jason, pointed out, was the cost of health insurance (and more generally, health care).
And, indeed, I did neglect to highlight that I have $36 per bi-weekly paycheck deducted automatically by my employer for health insurance (for 2)…
The cost of workaholism
“What are your resolutions this year?” a girlfriend recently asked me. I thought about the areas of my life I’d like to improve upon and responded, “I’d like to work less. I think I’m a workaholic.” She paused for a bit then hesitantly said, “…that doesn’t sound like a problem…” And indeed, when I’d talked about this with my mom just a week earlier, she said, “That’s a good addiction…