We Quit Our Jobs With $26,000 To Travel the World
– makingsenseofcents.com

Hey everyone! A couple of weeks ago I asked one of my favorite bloggers to guest post for me. Just last year she quit her job, and her and her significant other decided to travel the world. I thought she was super inspiring and knew she just HAD to guest post for me. You can follow her lifestyle blog at Mish Lovin Life or their travel blog at Filling in the Dots…
Cut Out of Dad’s Will? How My Dad Shapes My Finances
– studentdebtsurvivor.com

You can chose your friends, but you can’t chose your family, right? Good, bad or indifferent our parents are our role models and we soak up their knowledge, wisdom and (sometimes) bad financial habits.
Ever since I can remember, my dad has been a financial disaster poor money manager. He and my mother have very different financial, “styles” and philosophies about money…
CareOne Credit Services: Avoid at All Costs
– edwardantrobus.com

Of course that didn’t last long when we discovered that our local hospital does not accept any payment plans other than a loan from the bank that has a loan officer in their billing department…
What Are Your Vacation Plans for 2013?
– savvyfinanciallatina.com/#&panel1-
5 Steps to Finding a Fantastic Commercial Real Estate Deal
– doablefinance.com
Barron’s Releases Their Best Online Broker Rankings For 2013
– biblemoneymatters.com

While I have a moderate amount of knowledge about the subject, it always pays to get an outside look at what online brokerages are ranking well and which ones are getting the top marks in different categories…
Frugal Friday: Would You Pay to Look Edition
– frugalrules.com
Feeling Good Friday: First Week of Daycare
– debtroundup.com

That’s right everyone, I am creating something new for my Friday posts. As a personal finance blogger and someone that has been through the debt gauntlet, I realize the power of keeping positive. I personally understand that debt can be a drag…
Save Money on Kids’ Birthday Parties-Learn From My Mistakes
– eyesonthedollar.com

If you have children, you’d probably say it’s the best thing you’ve ever done. While I totally agree, I also admit that kids are expensive. My lovely, little daughter is turning six today, so in honor of her birthday, I thought I’d share some mistakes I’ve made tips on how to save money on kids’ birthday parties…
Weekly Round-Up: Preparing for an Easter Vacation
– theamateurfinancier.com/blog/
Weekly Roundup: Easter, chocolate and a little sacrifice
– dinksfinance.com

Happy Easter weekend everyone. I hope you all get to have a relaxing weekend with family and friends. I am excited for Easter weekend for a number of reasons:
It marks the end of my 40 day fast. I gave up Tim Horton’s (The Canadian equivalent of Dunkin Donuts) as my personal sacrifice for Lent…
Should I Follow a New Path Towards Receiving My Degree?
– Financialblacksheep.com
How to Correct an Error on Your Credit Report
– doughroller.net

Even small errors on your credit report can cause big problems. A typo in your home address could make it difficult for you to pull a copy of your credit report, for instance. A larger error, such as a creditor misreporting your financial information, could cause more serious issues…
DIY Projects: Good idea or not?
– commoncentswealth.com

If you’re a homeowner, or even a renter, you’ve probably done your fair share of “do it yourself” projects. Some of these can be very simple while others require a bit more knowledge and skill. With such a large difference, it makes sense that some projects are worth it to do yourself, but not all of them…
Top Personal Finance Articles #7
– monsterpiggybank.com

I have been super busy setting up my VPS so I can move this site onto a faster and better equipped server. I recently got told that this site is consuming too many resources, so I have a couple of options:
Upgrade with my current host
Move to a new one.
Seeing as I haven’t been all that happy with the performance of this server (I assume it is over crowded), I decided that a move was in order…
6 Ways to Understanding the True Costs of Your Stuff
– myfijourney.com

14 Things to Do Besides Watch TV
– weonlydothisonce.com
A common evening routine for most people is to come home, eat, sit in front of the TV, then go to sleep. It’s physically and mentally unhealthy. It’s passive, not thought-provoking, and antisocial. Studies have shown that our brains work less while watching TV, so we become programmed to think and act as we see right there on our screen…
My Two Cents Worth…..by PennyGuy
– mycoinblog.com

4 Financial Benefits of Community Connections
– moneylifeandmore.com

A week or so ago, I was cleaning out the small suitcase I call a purse. Among all the debris, receipts, loose change and random bits of paper that I know my child puts in there, I noticed things like my library card. Appointment reminder cards…
I’m Building a New House
– ayoungpro.com

A topic has come up recently in my life that I have put a lot of thought into. I briefly talked about this topic, lifestyle inflation, in an earlier post but I wanted to spend a little more time on it today. Earlier today, a fellow blogger posed a question on Twitter that was a form of “when can I enjoy all of my hard work?” Now, I don’t know the specifics of her situation but it seems like she is asking herself the same question I have asked myself recently, and the same question most people ask when they start making more money…