Emergency Fund or Pay off Debt?
– makingsenseofcents.com

Hey everyone! Happy Friday. Today, I have another one of my “short” question posts, mainly because I am extremely nosey. I’m assuming all of you are nosey too.
One of the reasons why it’s taking us a little bit longer to pay off my $38,000 in student loans is because I refuse to touch our emergency fund…
Weekly roundup: Super powers, paying off debt and using credit cards
– dinksfinance.com
Happy Friday Dinks. This weekend marks another release of a super summer blockbuster movie. This weekend the new Superman is being released and right now all around the country people are lined up to buy tickets.
Let me ask you a question Dinks, if you could have one super power what would it be? I think that I would like to have the “flame on” power from The Fantastic Four, but since I’m afraid of heights that may not be a good idea…
Let me ask you a question Dinks, if you could have one super power what would it be? I think that I would like to have the “flame on” power from The Fantastic Four, but since I’m afraid of heights that may not be a good idea…
Net Worth Update May 2013 Late Edition
– Financialblacksheep.com
Net Worth Decrease since last month. Since I ended up moving on the fly last month, I have had a whole new life to deal with. Everything from school, work and just finding my tooth paste in the morning has been weird, … Continue reading →The post Net Worth Update May 2013 Late Edition appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…
Weight Watchers Here I Come
– studentdebtsurvivor.com

No, thank you weight watchers! And I’ll thank you even more when I lose 20lbs. Drumroll please…it’s official, Monday I started weight watchers online. Ironically, while I was writing this post about Self-Care, I starting thinking to myself, “How are bleep are you writing a post about self-care right now when you’re a hot freaking mess?”
Confession: I’m at least 17 pounds heavier than I was a year ago…

Danger: The below post is rated ‘R’ for serious ranting!
Frugal Friday: Should the Government Get Its Hands Off My Big Gulp?
– frugalrules.com
Happy Friday everyone! It’s been another crazy week, but thankfully everyone is all back to health here in the Frugal Rules home. Mrs. Frugal Rules caught my nasty cold last week and was down for the count most of the week and is thankfully back on the mend. I realize that my post today may be opening a can of worms, but hey, I like to get us thinking every once in a while…
Donating To Charities – Do Your Research
– debtroundup.com

Weekly Recap – June 14th, 2013
– commoncentswealth.com

Whew, this week went by so fast. I had to put in more hours at work than normal, so it gave me less time to work on the stuff I like to work on at home. Hopefully it slows down next week so that I can actually breathe again. As is normal for “summer” in Minnesota, I’m headed to the cabin this weekend (assuming I don’t have to work on Saturday) to celebrate Father’s Day with my family…
3 Things You Should Do When Starting a New Career
– ayoungpro.com

Sticking To A Budget If Your Work Is Seasonal
– doablefinance.com
When you’re looking for budget advice, most people will simply tell you to draw up a list of your monthly incomings and outgoings, and stick to it rigidly. However, if your work is seasonal or irregular, it might not be possible to draw up such a clear budget planner. Hiring seasonal workers is becoming popular …
Si, Hablo Espanol…and a Roundup
– clubthrifty.com

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Remember when you were in high school and you had to take a foreign language in order to graduate? Back then, I was probably what you would call the typical American kid. I was concerned about what was going on in my little world, sports, and trying to impress the girls around me…
I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 06/14
– www.enemyofdebt.com/
Happy Friday, EOD Nation!
A strange thing happened to me during the week. Before the last payment to our debt management program, we had 11 months left. So naturally I thought after the funds from May’s payment were distributed to our creditors there would be 10 months remaining. To my surprise the program tracker now says there are NINE months remaining…
A strange thing happened to me during the week. Before the last payment to our debt management program, we had 11 months left. So naturally I thought after the funds from May’s payment were distributed to our creditors there would be 10 months remaining. To my surprise the program tracker now says there are NINE months remaining…
Think Like a Frequent Flyer to Get the Most from Your Credit Card
– doughroller.net
Simply having a travel rewards credit card doesn’t mean that you are maximizing the benefit. While most of you probably know that these credit cards accumulate frequent flier miles, there are many lesser-known perks that could help you get the most from your credit card.
1. Read the Fine Print for Any ‘Secret’ Travel Perks
On the surface, travel rewards cards allow you to generate frequent flier miles, but if you dig deeper, there are numerous other features that could help you on your travels…
1. Read the Fine Print for Any ‘Secret’ Travel Perks
On the surface, travel rewards cards allow you to generate frequent flier miles, but if you dig deeper, there are numerous other features that could help you on your travels…
My New Obsession, Credit Card Rewards
– eyesonthedollar.com

Ask The Readers: What Do You Want to Read?
– edwardantrobus.com
So, while making dinner, I managed to slice open my thumb. I’ve currently got this huge bandage on it that it making typing very difficult. I feel like I’m back to my middle school days of one-finger typing. Definitely not the way to try to bang out at 700 word post. Add in the pain killers I took, and I’m not sure anything I wrote would make any sense anyway…
Carnival of Financial Planning – Money Life and More Edition
– moneylifeandmore.com

Budgeting and Economics
Lynn @ Wallet Blog writes Summertime Money-Saving Tips – Money never seems to go as far in the summertime. Here’s a collection of money-saving tips to help you maximize your summer dollars!
Charles Yeaman @ The Tortoise Banker writes 5 Lessons We’ve Learned From the Joneses – You see them…
eBook Review – The CVS Drugstore Game
– theamateurfinancier.com/blog/
There are a lot of coupons, special offers, and discounts out there in the retail world, most of which are less ‘bargains’ and more methods of getting you to spend more money on things you don’t really need. But what if there were a way to mix those coupons and special offers to get things for free, and possibly even get money (or at least store credit) to use for your next purchases? That’s impossible, right?
The CVS Drugstore Game argues that this is not only possible, but not even that difficult…
The CVS Drugstore Game argues that this is not only possible, but not even that difficult…
Top Personal Finance Articles #18
– monsterpiggybank.com