Makeovers That Add Value to Your Home

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Will Accidental Landlords Hold ‘em or Fold ‘em?

The vast majority of people who are considered real estate investors by the Census Bureau don’t think of themselves as real estate investors at all. They are just normal working people who happened to end up owning a home or two that they rent out.
They are called “accidental investors.” They never intended to get into real estate investing, but circumstances mandated it…
Kitchen Remodel? Avoid These 8 Trends to Keep It Current Longer

A granite counter here, new cherry cabinets there. Anyone who’s ever undertaken a kitchen remodeling project knows those costs can add up quickly. According to the Remodeling Magazine 2012-13 Cost vs…
12 of the Newest Tech Gadgets You Need to Have Around the House

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12 of the Newest Tech Gadgets to Have Around the House
Let’s give a big pat on the back to technology for making our lives easier. Sure, it’s also taken over our lives—ahem, Facebook… and Twitter… and Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Foursquare, and the like.
Despite our obsessive tendencies (which are our own faults), at its core technology has the ability to make your day better, easier, and faster…