Optical Cable Corp. (OCC) Declares $0.02 Quarterly Dividend; 1.9% Yield
– streetinsider.com
Visit StreetInsider.com at http://www.streetinsider.com/Dividends/Optical+Cable+Corp.+%28OCC%29+Declares+%240.02+Quarterly+Dividend%3B+1.9%25+Yield/8255232.html for the full story.
Passive Income Targets – April 2013
– intelligentspeculator.net

Dividend Increase: PG
– dgmachine.blogspot.com/
Procter & Gamble (PG) is increasing its quarterly dividend by 7.0%, from $0.562 to $0.6015 per share, putting the company on track for its 57th consecutive year of dividend growth (press release). Given that I own 50 shares of PG, my quarterly dividend increases from $28.10 to $30.08, which will add an extra $7…
Welcome Aboard, Coca-Cola
– thediv-net.com

Coca Cola may seem like a no-brainer investment, but to be honest, it wasn’t an easy choice for me…
American Capital Agency (AGNC) Shares Cross Below Book Value
– forbes.com/sites/dividendchannel

Carnival of Retirement 66th Edition
– dividendmonk.com/
This week, I’m hosting the blogging Carnival of Retirement. Here are several good reads on finance and investing.
If you operate a blog, you can submit articles for future carnivals at the submission page on Blogger Carnivals.
Michael Kitces @ Nerd’s Eye View writes Harvesting Losses Or Harvesting Gains – Planning Around Four Long-Term Capital Gains Tax Rates – Traditional tax planning for portfolios has been relatively straightforward – defer taxes on gains as long as possible, and harvest capital losses to further maximize the benefit…
If you operate a blog, you can submit articles for future carnivals at the submission page on Blogger Carnivals.
Michael Kitces @ Nerd’s Eye View writes Harvesting Losses Or Harvesting Gains – Planning Around Four Long-Term Capital Gains Tax Rates – Traditional tax planning for portfolios has been relatively straightforward – defer taxes on gains as long as possible, and harvest capital losses to further maximize the benefit…
Dividend Champions With Yields 50% Higher Than 10-Year Treasuries
– dividends4life.com
History repeats itself, or at least it rhymes. Just as happened a year ago, I seem to have been writing lots of theoretical articles lately. It’s time to switch gears, set theory aside for a while, and just come up with some dividend growth company names and ticker symbols for consideration. My simple starting point is one I used last year at about this time: Dividend Champions whose yield is 50%
Crash poor little stock market, crash
– myfirst50000.com
I wasn’t that much busy at work today, but I arrived very early because I was expecting to deal with a difficult task, but the difficult task wasn’t so difficult after all. I had read up the news during my break. I was quite shock to see what I see: the TSX lost 300 points. OH NO! I always have a bit of sadness while going through a crash like that…