Kindle Publishing: Keep It Simple + MORE

Kindle Publishing: Keep It Simple + MORE

Managing Our Emotional Monsters: Why Control Doesn’t Work

If you’re an average human being, you may be doing something that is actually based on a huge myth.

You may be trying to control your feelings.

Not the ‘good’ ones of course. We all like joy, love, contentment, and happiness. It’s the ‘bad’ ones we try to control: anger, anxiety, fear, jealousy, sadness, guilt…

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Hush Adds Private, Encrypted Bookmarks to Chrome's Incognito ModeChrome: When you’re browsing in Chrome’s Incognito Mode, you have access to your bookmarks, but if you’re using a shared computer or just like to keep some of those bookmarks private, Hush gives you a way to hide and show a special list of bookmarks just in Incognito Mode using a password.Read more….

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How to Use Resilience to Cope With an Attack of Washing Machine Thoughts!I had a panic attack last night – I woke in the early hours of the morning: the financial markets are in a panic; a world-wide recession is probable; people will lose jobs; crime will rocket; and the impact on individuals, families and livelihoods will be dreadful. My retirement savings will be inadequate; finding work impossible…

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It’s All About the Follow-Through: Turning Goal-Setting into Goal-Achieving

A pro golfer doesn’t halt his stroke as soon as he launches the ball into the air.

A major leaguer doesn’t stop his swing as soon as the bat hits the ball. He follows through and finishes his swing.

Without following through, each of their actions would be useless.

Setting goals is worthless without the follow-through…

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Kindle Publishing: Keep It Simple


Kindle Publishing: Keep It SimpleSo far in our Kindle Publishing Journey, we have looked at some fundamentals. We have examined the benefits of writing an ebook, looked at sellable topics, picked up some writing tools and even had a writing adventure. Now that we have the basics down and have seen that writing can be fun, let’s look at creating our first eBook…

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Self-Awareness: What Is It And Why Do You Need To Seek It ?“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” ~Eckhart Tolle
Self-awareness is one of those terms you hear thrown around a lot in the personal development world.
It’s a phrase you sorta, kinda understand. But if someone asked you to define it or describe how YOU are self-aware, it might be hard to put… Continue Reading…

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