Google: Government Has No Back Door, Front Door Or Side Door To Our Data + MORE

Google: Government Has No Back Door, Front Door Or Side Door To Our Data + MORE

Ready to Play Some Business Babble Bingo? [Free Customizable Bingo Cards]You know the best part of a meeting?
When it ends.
If it’s dragging on, and walking out mid-meeting is too brazen for your taste (fair), how about a covert game of Business Babble Bingo to keep your attention? You can make it look like you’re taking notes. It’s foolproof.
I grabbed my fellow business-babble-averse co-worker Shannon Johnson, and hammered out a list of the 85 most egregious business babble buzzwords…

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The US government has no back door, front door or side door into our data, Google effectively said today, with its third PRISM-related denial. Each denial keeps stressing that Google doesn’t provide any type of constant stream of data to the government, that Google only hands over data on a…

Please visit Marketing Land for the full article…

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Weekend Favs June Eight


Weekend Favs June EightMy weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.
I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from Flickr or one that I took out there on the road…

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Does your work carry your signature?


Does your work carry your signature?If you know the work of any famous painter, it’s relatively easy to identify their art.

Great artists stand out, because their style is almost like a signature. It’s something unique to them. They may use the same type of paint, brushes and canvas as thousands of others, but what they do with those materials is uniquely ‘them’…

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Google Adds Photo Extensions to AdWord CampaignsIn more display ad news, Google invites you to join them for a round of “Show and Tell” with a new feature they call Image Extensions.
Like hair extensions, image extensions are all about making you more attractive to others. Here’s how it looks on the page:

Look at that. Makes me want to hop a plane right now and go to Sydney…

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