Further Adventures in Inbound Marketing: HubSpot PPC Hub & Upcoming Moz Webinar + MORE

Further Adventures in Inbound Marketing: HubSpot PPC Hub & Upcoming Moz Webinar + MORE

Further Adventures in Inbound Marketing: HubSpot PPC Hub & Upcoming Moz WebinarRecently, we did our best to put the lie to the myth that PPC is outbound marketing. There’s a persistent idea that cost is the determining factor that separates inbound and outbound marketing. But we believe that all marketing has costs – since no channel is free, what matters is ROI. So inbound marketing isn’t free marketing, but rather is defined by context and intention…

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Power of a Brand [Infographic]

– socialmediaexplorer.com

Power of a Brand [Infographic]Today, we will take a look at some of the largest (in terms of worth) and most recognizable brands. More specifically, we will dissect just how powerful these brands have become. How customers perceive your brand, whether large or small, will ultimately determine your success as a business. This point may seem sophomoric on the surface, but your image still remains one of the most crucial points when building a successful business…

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Black Friday in July? Target Destroys the Meaning of ‘Special’I woke up this morning to a very disturbing Target ad in my email.
According to the pop-loving retailer, today is Black Friday. For a moment I wondered if I’d undergone some bizarre, Rip Van Winkle experience. I know I haven’t been sleeping well, so maybe my body finally gave up and pulled me down to sleep for 4 months…

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Is Google’s SEO loophole hurting your business too? Here’s how to check
Google has opened the door to an aggressive SEO tactic, Negative Backlink SEO.
Here’s what it is, how it works, how to tell if you’re being targeted and how to stop it hurting your business!
Negative backlink SEO
Google now proactively punishes sites, which are linked to from sites with a bad reputation…

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10 Brands That Jumped on Instagram Video (And Rocked It)When new social media features are released, every news outlet and blog jumps on the story. (Hey, we do it, too.) Everyone’s thinking: what is this new feature, and how does it fit into my current content strategy? 
And while considering new technology in your larger strategy is essential to the success of your business, there’s something to be said for cannonballing right in to using new features to see if they might work for your marketing…

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Infographic: Social Networkers Say They’re OverwhelmedI know I am. I simply can’t keep up with all the conversations I’m balancing across all of my social networks. Thankfully, tools like Viralheat, Hubspot, Hootsuite, Buffer and others are helping me manage alerts, mentions, responses and conversations… but I still feel as though I’m not doing all that I should be doing to keep up…

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The device formerly known as Project Glass is now being called Google Glass, in recognition that this is what most people who actually have Google’s smartglasses are calling them. Google shared the news today on on Google+, telling those who were following the “Project Glass” page….

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Infographic: Social Media Impact on CommerceYesterday, I installed a Belkin F9K1106 Dual Band Range Extender in my parent’s house to try and get a signal in their guest room. I read all the reviews online and discussed it with a couple folks I know. I couldn’t find anyone with a definitive opinion and reviews were mixed; so, I just had to test it for myself…

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5 Conversion Experts Weigh in on User PsychologyPsychology is an unstoppable force of nature.
As tech savvy, opinionated, and intellectual as we are, our instincts inevitably kick in. From subtle designs to bold colors, we’re constantly relying on signals to guide us through key decision-making moments.
Consumer behavior is no different.
The decision-making process is just as straightforward as it is complex…

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Fixing the Major Image Problems of Big-Time Sports

– prnewsonline.com/prnewsblog/

The ugly story of Aaron Hernandez raises again the issue of perception challenges in big-time sports, both on the professional and collegiate levels, and it’s worth some time thinking about how we got here. We’re a sports-obsessed culture. Always have been. It goes way back in the country’s psyche…

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