Do You Need to Aim Higher? + MORE

Do You Need to Aim Higher? + MORE

Try hard every day


Try hard every day
The post Try hard every day appeared first on Motivational quotes and posters.

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Embracing a Path of Personal Choice
By Diana Baur
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. – Lao Tzu
In the back of my old barn in Northern Italy, there’s a field.
During the summer, it fills up with bristly weeds of a seemingly infinite variety and color, with flowers and thistles and thorns. I have to beg my husband not to grab the weed-whacker and take the whole thing down…

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How to Improve Your Life with the Help of GratitudeHow often in life there are moments when everything becomes annoying: your spouse with their bad habits, your kids with their behavior, problems at work, health problems, noisy neighbors, bills, etc.
You begin to realize that this irritation is growing day by day, and at some point you feel that your life becomes like hell…

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How to Let Go: 5 Essential Tips


How to Let Go: 5 Essential Tips
I often write about finding lightness in life.
It can come from an unhurried but effective day at work.
It can come from uncluttering and simplifying your home.
Or from letting go of distractions or huge mental burdens (that can also become physical as stress and worries pile up).
Learning to let go of something in your past, of something that is just an unimportant distraction or of trying to control what you cannot control can free up huge amounts of the energy and the time you have to use for something better and more fulfilling…

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Do You Need to Aim Higher?


Do You Need to Aim Higher?
Are you struggling to stay motivated on your journey to success?  Have your goals lost some of the shine they had when you first set them?  If so, you might consider whether they are big enough to hold your interest.
You may have thought so at one time, but if your goals are not what you really want deep down inside, you’re probably trying to force yourself to settle for what you think you can get rather than what you really want…

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Compress Your Trash with Two Large Buckets If your trashcan is filling up fast, and you won’t make it to collection day, you could save room by compressing your garbage with a couple of five gallon buckets.Read more…    

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10 Ways to Reduce Stress at Work That Could Save Your LifeLet’s face it.  Many of us have felt the miserable feeling that stress and tension related to our jobs can cause on a daily basis.  Aside from feeling bad from a mental perspective there are serious health issues that can develop if you don’t do something and make some changes to reduce your stress levels…

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The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776


The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation…

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